NSCI New Delhi has one of the finest outdoor swimming pools in the country, which was recently renovated to bring it up to the latest standards. The swimming pool is an L-shaped pool which has full length and breadth. The shallow part is 3.5 ft depth and the deep part is 13 ft depth with a capacity to accommodate up-to 40 swimmers. There is also an accompanying baby pool with 1.5 ft depth for the little ones to enjoy. The Swimming pool has alongside two full changing, shower & bathroom facilities, separately for Women & Men. Lifeguards are also always present during pool timings as per regulations. The Pool is situated right next to the pool lawn, so that non-swimming / accompanying family-members / guests can enjoy refreshments / snacks / tea / coffee while you enjoy a nice refreshing swim.
A 15 day Coaching Camp is also held at regular intervals, so that members and dependants can benefit, learn and enjoy our excellent facilities. The usual timings for the camp are 4:30. To 5:30 PM. The camp is details are announced on Notice boards and through the various club messaging and online channels.
Designed & Developed by Phailaav